Werrington Primary
'Pupils enjoy coming to this welcoming and inclusive community school. There is a family feel to the school. Because of its size, everyone knows and cares for one another. Parents and carers spoke with heartfelt emotion about the positive impact the school has had on their children.' (Inspection Report/June 2023)
'Governors work closely with leaders to support them to drive their priorities forward. Governors use their expertise to challenge leaders effectively when needed. For instance, governors have ensured that leaders have improved pupil attendance and persistent absence.' (Inspection Report/June 2023)
'Staff are overwhelmingly positive about working at Werrington. They describe feeling supported, knowing leaders consider their workload, professional development and their well-being.'(Inspection Report/June 2023)
Lew Trenchard Church of England Primary School
‘Pupils, staff, parents and carers are proud of their school. The school’s religious ethos is at the heart of the school.’ (Inspection Report/June 2023)
‘Leaders work with governors and the trust to improve the quality of education for the pupils. Teachers value being part of a wider network that supports curriculum improvement.’ (Inspection Report/June 2023)
‘Governors understand their roles well. With guidance from the trust, governors support and challenge leaders. This means governors and leaders share the same ambitious vision for pupils and staff. Staff feel well supported by leaders. As a result, teachers are proud to work at the school.’ (Inspection Report/June 2023)
North Petherwin Primary
'North Petherwin is a happy and inclusive school. Pupils talk enthusiastically about their learning and the wider opportunities they receive.' (Inspection Report/May 2023)
'Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Pupils’ conduct and attitude to learning is excellent. They are supportive of each other and enjoy harmonious relationships.' (Inspection Report/May 2023)
'Pupils follow a broad and ambitious curriculum from the Nursery and Reception Year through to Year 6. They have thought carefully about the knowledge they want pupils to learn in each subject and across the different year groups. Leaders have provided staff with effective training on how to support the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).' (Inspection Report/May 2023)
'Staff are proud to work at this school. They feel well supported by the headteacher, governing body and the trust. Staff say leaders value them. One example of this is through the time committed to developing the subject knowledge of staff.' (Inspection Report/May 2023)
Launceston Pre-School
'Children enjoy their time at this welcoming pre-school. They are keen to involve staff in their play and feel safe in their presence. Staff plan a curriculum that meets children's interests and needs. All children show a positive attitude to learning and demonstrate high levels of curiosity.' (Inspection Report/March 2023)
'Children are very confident learners. Staff have high expectations for every child, ensuring they have challenging yet achievable activities.' (Inspection Report/March 2023)
'Partnerships with other professionals is effective. Staff have formed close links with the local school. They work well together to ensure the consistent teaching of letter sounds for the most able children. Staff ensure all children are independent and confident communicators before their move to formal education.' (Inspection Report/March 2023)
'Children's safety is of high importance. Staff ensure the premises are always secure, including when visitors are present. The recruitment of staff is robust. Leaders ensure all staff have significant experience in childcare and they consistently monitor their ongoing suitability to work with children.'(Inspection Report/March 2023)
Windmill Hill Academy
'Leaders have meticulously crafted a curriculum beyond the academic. This means pupils enjoy a range of experiences that they may not otherwise have. For example, older pupils visit London to gain an experience of modern Britain that is different to their locality. They develop their understanding of democracy with a visit to the Houses of Parliament.' (Inspection Report/December 2022)
'Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum, including in the early years. It is carefully designed to reflect the school’s context. Staff have worked together to identify the small steps of knowledge that pupils need to know and by when. This hard work has paid off. The curriculum has a clarity which means that pupils build on their knowledge well over time. For example, in mathematics, older pupils learn to solve increasingly complex reasoning problems. They use the correct mathematical vocabulary when explaining their answers.' (Inspection Report/December 2022)
Coads Green Primary
'Staff have high expectations of pupils. They expect pupils to do their best. Pupils respond to this positively. As a results, their behaviour is exemplary, both in lessons and at social times. Pupils say that bullying is rare. They say people are kind to each other. They are confident that staff will resolve any issues that occur.' (Inspection Report/October 2022)
'Leaders have made great strides with the curriculum. They have constructed an ambitious curriculum that is rigorous and logically sequenced. However, leaders are not complacent. In conjunction with the trust, they continually check its impact and make changes as necessary. This ensures continual improvement.' (Inspection Report/October 2022)
Lew Trenchard Church of England Primary
'The An Daras Multi-Academy Trust leaders understand the school's priorities. The local governing body carries out its duties effectively. It takes a special interest in checking that staff feel well supported.'(Inspection Report/March 2020)
'Pupils enjoy coming to school. There is a strong inclusive ethos that reflects the Christian values of the school: respect, responsibility and kindness. Pupils know that there are trusted adults who will keep them safe and help them to learn. The high level of care provided by staff, including the family support worker, helps pupils to manage their emotional health and well-being well.' (Inspection Report/March 2020)
Princetown Primary
‘Effective partnership with the An Daras Multi-Academy Trust has strengthened leadership at all levels within the school. Leaders know their school well and have high expectations and ambitions for pupils. They have brought about improvements to attendance and have overseen rapid improvements in behaviour across the school’ (Inspection Report/June 2019)
‘The management partnership with the An Daras Multi-Academy Trust has been instrumental in helping the school to move forward. It provides regular challenge to senior leaders and governors’. (Inspection Report/June 2019)
St Catherines C of E Primary
‘The school has benefited from support provided by the multi-academy trust to which it belongs’ (Inspection Report/April 2019)
‘The Trust has provided strong support to the school since it became an academy in 2016. Academy Improvement Officers have provided advice and guidance to firm up leadership. They have also contributed to leaders’ accurate self-evaluation. School staff share practice with other colleagues in the trust and benefit from joint training events. Finance and human resources matters are also more effectively dealt with as a result of the school being part of the Trust’ (Inspection Report/2019
Werrington Primary
‘In January 2016, the school joined the An Daras Multi-Academy Trust. This has strengthened the quality of teaching through sharing best practice and cross-school moderation of pupils’ work. Staff value the opportunities such as shared moderation and training that the trust gives them’ (Inspection Report/April 2018)
North Petherwin Primary
‘Since the last inspection, the school has joined the An Daras Multi-Academy Trust, which has strengthened the leadership capacity of the school and provided effective professional development for leaders and teachers. The trust also provides opportunities for staff to work with a wider range of colleagues to support each other to ensure better outcomes for pupils. The trust has helped leaders to develop and refine their self-evaluation processes and provides an additional validation of senior leaders’ monitoring’ (Inspection Report/March 2018)
Windmill Academy
‘In your role as Executive Headteacher of the school and Chief Executive Officer {W. Hermon} of An Daras Multi-Academy Trust, you have a very clear insight into the strengths of the school and the areas of its work that require further development. You have a good understanding of the school’s position within the trust and how it can draw on support from other schools in it if necessary. As a consequence of this clarity, the school’s self-evaluation processes and strategic development planning are of high quality and place the school on a strong footing to improve further. You, the trust and school leaders, including governors, have already demonstrated the capacity to bring about swift improvement in the quality of education, such as in the early years foundation stage, where outcomes for children have risen sharply’ (Inspection Report/Dec 2016)